miércoles, 15 de noviembre de 2017

About the meaning of senses: "what you see it's what you get" & "never judge a book by his cover".

Accordingly to these two commons sayings it is possible to recognize a common point, moreover, a transversal concept which includes two sides about the same discussion: senses, and in what grade it is possible to trust them. In fact, "we", as a modern society are commonly trying to approximate to our reality through our experience, and clearly through our senses. But, this is really the best form to approximate to reality?

To illustrate, it is not necessary to say how science now on days is in a big way based on the trust of senses, givingly real importance to the experience for trying to explain some phenomenon’s and problems of social and natural reality. The inductivism form of scientific method can represent all this real trust in the senses and experience; also it marks really strong one part of scientific community. All this way of conceive science, givingly to the experience and sense a high stance it is going to be highly related to the common saying "what you see it's what you get".

Nevertheless, there are going to be some authors who are not agree with this way of channeling science and perceiving reality. René Descartes on his book "The Discourse on the Method" (1637) is going to propose us that senses can lie to us. How do you know if when you are doing something, something that you are really convinced that is real, are you not dreaming?. Moreover, our sight, our touch cannot be certain, for example; when we are seeing the sun it is possible to make the statement "the sun is close to me, is on the sky", however sun is kilometers of distance. Consequently -on this specific case- if we follow our sight, our sense, we will be erroneous. But, it is possible to make similar statements in terms of probability?

Following the British philosopher Karl Popper on his book "The Logic of the Social Sciences" (1934), even in probabilistic terms; the inductive method is not able to make any statement base on experience and sense. For instance; if we say "it is possible that tomorrow the sun will show, because for thousands of years the sun have shown up" it doesn’t make any contribution to our comprehension of reality, because it exists the possibility that, for one day to another, the world stop to exist (i.e for a space rock collision). Thus, the common saying "we never have to judge a book by his cover" can be understood in terms that we can be wrong about our statements.

To summarize, we can see how this commons saying can represent the forms of approximate to reality, the debate in what science is in, and the different postures that one can be a part. In a personal way I think that experience and trusting in our sense can be really useful, but sometimes can be complex, because one experience is not representative of what everybody experience.

miércoles, 8 de noviembre de 2017

Topic sentence: Tecnology can influence in the knowledge production

The relation between knowledge production and reproduction, and tecnology it is increasing step by step in our days. In different  areas of our development as human being we can see the influence of tecnology: education, health, sports, enterteimnet, etc. However, if our objetive is to talk about pro's and con's about tecnology and his influence on production of knowledge it is possible to divide this influence in two big topics. In one hand; the develpoment of common sense, and, on the other hand; the development of science.

Related to develpoment of common sense is possibe to notice a negative influence of tecnology. Especially in all tecnology that have a strong relaion with media, social networks, etc. The develpotment of tecnology like cellphones, notebooks, tablets and gadgets like those, gives  to the people the posibility for an easily entrance to a superficial knowledge provided -and dominated- by radios, onlines newspaper, online magazines and page of doubtly origin. As a consequence of this there is a progressive development of a superficial common sense, in a lot of cases with wrong information and sources, and therefore, a growh of a people's moral based on superficiallity.

In therms of development of science, tecnology plays a fundamental role in his process of growing. The creations of medical equipment of high quality, powerfull computers, and even all those little object used in laboratory can be considered as tecnology (i.e essays tubes). Moreover there is -especificaly- in scientific investigaiton (social or natural) where tecnology plays as a protagonist; different instrument of meditions or data recolletion are provided by the advances of tecnology, allowing a more estructured knoledge of our reality, in social and natural terms. So, this tecnology influence also provide us a more "deeply" knowledge in scientific terms.

Nevertheless, this arguments doesn't want to mean that common sense in all his esence is badly, and science is the real way what socieaty must follows. It is just, in most of the cases, tecnology uses to plays this roles in production of knowledge.

To conclude, the influence of tecnology in production of knowledge is visible, in negative terms realted to develpoment of common sense and in a possitive terms related with develpoment of science. Yet this is just a generalitation, it is a more complex subject that it need to be good analized.

miércoles, 25 de octubre de 2017

Topic sentence: "Pollution is a problem that people are becoming increasingly aware of"

In our day by day it is possible to recognize the pollution that is around us. Moreover, in a micro-dimention, for instance: trash at streets, highly construction of buildings, smog in the cities etc (a more human context). And, on the other hand on a more macro-dimention, as follows: unfrozing of the ices, acid rain, erotion of the ground etc (a more nature related context). Consequently the human activity in pos of taking the task of doing something about the problem, has increased. A lot of enviromental ONG's, international organizations and reunions specifically motivated by the complain of solving the topic of pollution are emerging strongly.

Particullary, taking the micro-dimention is possibe to show how people it is generating a sort of enviromental concience that 20 years ago did not exist or exist in a lower grade. In the case of Chile, Santiago different organizations are trying to promote this emerging concience, by doing certains activities in their local places. Universities, working places, poblations -for instance- have more reciclating iniciatives, propoganda for taking charge on the own trash and even for cleaning determinated places.

In the case of the Social Science Faculty from University of Chile there exists a enviromental comission who takes charge of this kind of topics. Ocacionally, in determined weeks of the years there is a reutilization period of the academic material, that is; printed books, fotocopies, notes etc. Also, in periods of electionary campaigns (to inside the university) the phamplets and similar propaganda are recicled and reutilized.

On the other case, under a more macro-dimention it is possible to see all the movement around problems that concerns directly to nature. The Kyoto Protocole or ONG's like Greenpeace.

miércoles, 18 de octubre de 2017

Topic sentence: Living in a remote area can make a person's life rather challenging.

First, if we're talking about remote places is useful to define the concept. In general talking in terms of "remote" we refer to some places that are away from the city or have a more rural character. Furthermore, -probably- the main problem for the people who live in this areas are the satisfaccion or the accomplish of social needs. What are those?. We refer in particular about two escencially need: school and health. Under these circunstances of living at remote places the important decision of sending kids to schools usally means a lower power of election by te parents, principally because the numbers of schools in the local area are minimal. The other options it presents by sending them far away, like to another city. Wich also contains some problems, like separating the kid of his fmaily.

On the other hand, the second principal issue of te remote living life, is the small cuantity of medical centers aroun that "remote place". Aditionally on this, the primary medicine (the most basic one) it's the principal one in this type of medical centers. Concequently, in the case of needs of emergency attention (for example; caused by an accident, a dissease or a spider bite) a more complex medical attention is needed, and therefore traveling to a main hospital is almost necesary. In therms of time, epecially in a terminal dessise case the travel to the city it can be decisive.

domingo, 3 de septiembre de 2017

Last essay

Last essay I read: Locke

The last essay that I read it's actually a book called "Essay on civil government" or "Second treatise of government" from John Locke, written in 1689. The book talks about how we can organize ourselves as a human being following the reason, consequently he talks in terms of "natural law", "natural state", "war state" and "civil state" with the objective of giving us some considerations about what the human being should and shouldn´t do for living among other human beings. In particular the author critiques the absolutism of his époque.

Well, in fact this is not part of the "obligatory literature", but a lot of teachers use to touch the arguments of this author (like in Epistemology, Classical sociological theory, Political philosophy etc.), especially because it's considered like a pillar for understanding how it has been formed the society and how it works now on days.

I haven't finished it yet, but I liked a lot, in general I find really interesting the constracutalist philosophers (Thomas Hobbes, John Locke and Jean Jacque’s Rousseau). I find that this book have a lot of arguments that can be analogized on some contemporary situations (like the liberty of having private property), and on the other hand a really crazy arguments that can be kind of extremist in this days (like you can kill another man who attempts against your person, or your property, by the dictate of "natural law" for giving the example to another humans about not acting against reason). For this is that also I would like to read more about philosophy, I believe that philosophy is one strong tools that can help us really well to understand how we interact each other in different kind of ways, and this is something that Sociology needs a lot.

Overall, when we're talking about study in general terms i like to organize using a lot of colors, post it, taking a lot of notes in class, recording classes and prioritize the things that I believe are more important for the subject or for my formation as a professional.

miércoles, 16 de agosto de 2017

Possibly study idea

Possibly study idea: perceptions of alimentation habits.

As a person, and even more as a student of Sociology the curiosity and thirst of knowledge it's around us, you just have to look your environment and start unquestioning about the things that usually happens and ¿why those things happens by the ways that it happens?, asking the why of the our daily lifes is a decision, that anyone can do.

In the research field of social science, probably Sociology, and more specifically the habits and customs of the human being, it's of my interest studying or doing an approximation to some academic process about the perceptions that people have about a healthy or a "good" alimentation, ask things like ¿ what are they considerations when are picking some aliment for including on their diet? ¿are health, ethical or issues like those into their considerations?, ¿they care about the source of their food (GMO's, animals, refined products etc.)?.

I think that this topics and related are of my interest because of my way of eating since I’m a child, and seeing the effects that food can impacts on quality of daily life. Is that because I think that this is a topic that not only concerns to me, it's concerns to all the people, we all eat and we all can feel the impact of the good of bad alimentation into our lifes. So I think that a study like this it will help to generate consciousness about our ways of livings, and hopefully create a strong line of investigation in social sciences and even other sciences. Sadly I think this is kind of hard because the highly conflict of interests that can presents this kind of topics.

Bio data writing.

Bio data: Charles Ronson.

Charles Ronson is an English psychologist born in 28 of March in 1975. Graduated at the University of Camridge, U.K. in 1996 started almost intermediately a MSc on occupational psychology at the University Cardiff. After this studies, his first more relevant work experience (2001-2003) consist in facilitation of knowledge as an academic in subjects of his specialty (Occupational Psychology) to students of first an third grade of BA psychology at the University of Gloucestershire, Cheltenham. At the present date he works as an research consultant (since 2004) and also as a private English language teacher (since 2011). But the most important accomplishes reposes at the subject of his PhD; Educational Psychology (done between 2007 and 2010). Almost all of his publications and presentations are related with education, with -in media- one publication by year: in 2009 published "The Investigation of Socio-Affective Differences Within the Santiago Metropolitan System", followed by two publications in 2010 and another one in 2011; "An Investigation Into the Effects of Enriched Education on the Affect of High Ability Chilean Children from Varying Socio-economics Groups.", "Are you experienced; Student Work Values and the University Experience" and "The Affective Influence of Enriched Education on Talented Children in Chile" respectively. In the 2012 he has three works, one published; "Effects of Enriched Education on Affective Variables for Chilean Children of High Cognitive Ability and Different Socio-Economic Groups", and two in process: "The Design of a Scale to Examine the Socio-Affective Differences in Chilean Schoolchildren and "Affective Differences Between Educationally Enriched High Capacity Children and those of Regular Capacity from Different Socio-Economic Groups in Chile. All this works, and in a more general way, all this experience has been formed a fully complete professional, a determinate psychologist and an expert on terms of education related to psychology in Chile. 

About the meaning of senses: "what you see it's what you get" & "never judge a book by his cover". Accordin...